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New Futures School Final Exhibition

Posted December 17, 2024, 5:00 PM. Updated December 17, 2024, 5:05 PM.

On December 11, 2024, the CCL crew visited New Futures School (NFS) to judge the final exhibition of three incredible student interns.

On December 11, 2024, the CCL crew visited New Futures School (NFS) to judge the final exhibition of three incredible student interns. These interns, who are also young mothers, faced challenges with transportation and scheduling but were determined to showcase the skills they learned this semester. New Futures interns work at the NFS’s store, Dine Time  and daycare, gaining valuable hands-on experience that not only helps them financially but also teaches them essential career skills such as money management, cashier skills, childcare, stocking, and warehouse operations.

New Futures School (NFS) is an APS School of Choice designed for pregnant and parenting students. The school offers a unique environment where students can pursue academics while also receiving crucial support services that promote healthy parenting practices and personal growth.

The internship experience at New Futures plays a critical role in helping students build independence and prepare for the workforce. For Amari Lule-Saloman, the internship provided an opportunity to develop key professional skills. "The internship helped me learn real job skills by promoting communication skills," she shared. "If I knew I wouldn’t be coming in that day, I would have to email my teacher and let her know beforehand. In the real world, it’s important to let your boss know when you can’t come in. Communication comes in handy with this."

Fabolia Perez also reflected on the positive impact her internship had on her life. "The internship greatly influenced my life by increasing my knowledge and providing financial support. Through real job training and real-world experience, I gained valuable skills and insights that helped me become more independent and cover some of my expenses. Overall, this experience was important for my professional and personal growth."

These internships not only provide financial support for students and their families but also offer them the chance to learn and grow in real-world settings while still attending school, setting the foundation for a brighter future. We are so proud of our amazing students, keep up the hard work! 


Amari Lule-Saloman presenting her final exhibition project. She is standing in front of a smart board describing the functions and intentions of the store she worked in the semester.

Amari Lule-Saloman presenting her final exhibition project. She is standing in front of a smart board describing the functions and intentions of the store she worked in during the Fall 2024 semester. 


The CCL crew meeting with student interns and Work-Based Leaning program mentors at New Futures School for Fall 2024 Final Exhibitions   

The CCL crew meeting with student interns and Work-Based Leaning program mentors at New Futures School for Fall 2024 Final Exhibitions