High School Summative Assessments
SAT School Day
The PED has chosen SAT as the as the state’s mathematics and English language arts proficiency exam for students in grade 11. All 11th grade students in New Mexico public schools will participate in this test in the spring. This will satisfy the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirement for a Grade 11 math and ELA assessment.
- SAT School Day Benefits For Your Child
- Khan Academy: SAT tutorial videos: Free video tutorials covering all of the SAT topics
- SAT Math Blueprint with Released Items (all items are the property of the College Board, but available for public, non-commercial use)
- PSAT Math Suite of Assessments Blueprint with Released Items (GSHEET). All items are the property of the College Board, but available for public, non-commercial use.
- Overview of PSAT and How to Interpret the Scores
- Skills Insight for the SAT Suite (PDF)
Advantages for Students:
The SAT School Day helps students grow on their path to college and careers.
- All students are given access to free, interactive personalized practice through Khan Academy and resources from the College Board to help reinforce what students are learning in classrooms and to focus on the content tested, not just test-taking strategies. Please check out these options to link your College Board Account to a Kahn Academy account for personalized practice opportunities. Video or Written Instructions.
- Students will be able to request that as many as four score reports are mailed to higher education institutions and scholarship organizations free of charge.
- Students and families will receive an interactive online score report.
- The SAT School Day is accepted at all state universities.
- College Board also offers Opportunity Scholarships to help students plan for and apply to colleges.
This page was last updated on:
October 31, 2022.