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JC School Attendance Areas

Albuquerque Public Schools shall regularly evaluate the viability of schools and school clusters in light of population dynamics, facility adequacy, and site capacity.

Current demographic information shall be maintained by the district across all Albuquerque Public Schools and for each individual school.  The superintendent, or his/her designee, shall report information annually to the Board of Education about the adequacy of school sites, location, access, surrounding development, transportation requirements, the needs of locally authorized charter schools and proposed changes in attendance boundary areas.

The Board of Education shall attempt to limit the movement of students among schools when an attendance boundary change occurs. After a boundary change has been approved, additional changes in the affected attendance area shall not be made for at least three years unless there is a substantial increase or decrease in the student population or unless other circumstances arise which adversely affect the attendance area or nearby attendance areas.

Administrative Position: Chief Operations Officer

Department Director: Director of the Capital Master Plan


Legal Cross Ref.:

  • §22-12-5 NMSA 1978

Board Policy Cross Ref.:

Procedural Directive Cross Ref.:

NSBA/NEPN Classification: JC

Approved: February 22, 1989
Revised: August 2, 1989
Reviewed: January 17, 1990
Revised: July 10, 1991
Reviewed: October 27, 1993
Revised: November 3, 1993
Reviewed: September 20, 1995
Revised: October 4, 1995
Revised: February 20, 1996
Revised: April 2001
Reviewed: September 13, 2010
Reviewed: October 11, 2010
Revised: November 3, 2010

This page was last updated on: December 9, 2009.