FA Facilities Development Goals (Archived)
This policy has been archived.
School buildings and facilities are key public resources. These properties shall be utilized in a manner that provides the greatest public benefit.
The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to pursue appropriate management of these resources to serve the public benefit, not only in terms of services but also to provide fiscal benefit. The superintendent, or his/her designee, shall develop administrative procedural directives to implement this policy.
Administrator Responsible: Chief Operations Officer/Chief Financial Officer
Implementing Departments: Capital Master Plan/Facilities, Design and Construction
Legal Cross Ref.:
Board Policy Cross Ref.: DE – Bonds, Mill Levies and Education Technology Notes
DJ1 – Purchase and Project Approval
K.03 Non-School Use of Albuquerque Public Schools Facilities
Procedural Directive Cross Ref.: Facilities Master Plan: Review and Update Procedure
Facilities Planning and Construction: Major Projects Design and Approval
Buildings and Grounds: Non-School Use of Facilities
NSBA/NEPN Classification: FB
Revised: January 17, 1990
Reviewed: January 1, 2001
Reviewed: April 2001
Reviewed: November 11, 2015
Revised: November 18, 2015
Archived: December 4, 2024