Goals and Guardrails
The Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education has shifted how it governs, prioritizing its work to focus on student outcomes. This Student Outcomes Focused Governance framework centers on the vision and values expressed by the APS community to support what we want our students to know and be able to do.
During dozens of community meetings and countless individual conversations in the fall of 2022, the community's vision and values became clear -- they want schools to focus on literacy, math, post-secondary readiness, and the skills, habits, and mindsets that lead to success. And they expect equity, support, quality instruction, voice, and engagement. The vision and values lead to the adoption in early 2023 of the Albuquerque Public Schools Goals and Guardrails.
To assure accountability, the Goals and Guardrails are targeted, measurable, and have start and end points and dates.
Interim Goals and Guardrails will be used to monitor progress and make adjustments toward meeting the goals.
APS Goals
Goal 1: Early Literacy
The percentage of third-grade students identified in the Yazzie-Martinez decision plus African American students who demonstrate grade level proficiency or above on the state English Language Arts (ELA) summative assessment will increase from X in May 2023 to Y in May 2028. (Metric to be determined upon receipt of 2023 results from the state assessment but shall not be less than a 10-point increase over 5 years.)
2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2024/25 | 2025/26 | 2026/27 | 2027/28 |
- Interim Goal 1.1: The percentage of Kindergarten students identified in the Yazzie-Martinez decision plus African American students who demonstrate grade level proficiency or above as predicted by Istation will increase from 22.6 percent in May 2023 to 28.6 percent in May 2026.
- Interim Goal 1.2: The percentage of first-grade students identified in the Yazzie-Martinez decision plus African American students who demonstrate grade level proficiency or above as predicted by Istation will increase from 17 percent in May 2023 to 23 percent in May 2026.
- Interim Goal 1.3: The percentage of second-grade students identified in the Yazzie-Martinez decision plus African American students who demonstrate grade level proficiency or above as predicted by Istation will increase from 18.3 percent in May 2023 to 24.3 percent in May 2026.
Goal 2: Math Proficiency
The percentage of eighth-grade students identified in the Yazzie-Martinez decision and African American students who demonstrate grade level proficiency or above on the state mathematics summative assessment will increase from 11.1% in May 2023 to 21.1% in May 2028.
2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2024/25 | 2025/26 | 2026/27 | 2027/28 |
11.1% |
- Interim Goal 2.1: The percentage of sixth-grade students identified in the Yazzie-Martinez decision plus African American students who demonstrate grade level proficiency or above as predicted by i-Ready will increase from 16.6% in May 2023 to 22.6% in May 2026.
- Interim Goal 2.2: The percentage of seventh-grade students identified in the Yazzie-Martinez decision plus African American students who demonstrate grade level proficiency or above as predicted by i-Ready will increase from 13% in May 2023 to 19% in May 2026.
- Interim Goal 2.3: The percentage of eighth-grade students identified in the Yazzie-Martinez decision plus African American students who demonstrate grade level proficiency or above as predicted by i-Ready will increase from 14% in May 2023 to 20% in May 2026.
Goal 3: Post-Secondary Readiness
The percentage of high school graduates who earn credit in two or more Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or Dual Credit courses, or earn an industry certification or Bilingual Seal, will increase from 39.6% in September 2023 to 49.6% in September 2028.
2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2024/25 | 2025/26 | 2026/27 | 2027/28 |
39.6% |
- Interim Goal 3.1: The percentage of high school students who drop out of school will decrease from 4.2 percent in May 2023 to 3.2 percent in May 2026.
- Interim Goal 3.2: The percentage of high school students enrolled in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or dual credit courses, second-year or higher language courses, or a career pathway concentrator course will increase from 40.1 percent in May 2023 to 46.1 percent in May 2026.
- Interim Goal 3.3: The percentage of grade 11 students who earned credit in at least one Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, dual credit, third-year or higher language course, or a career pathway completer course will increase from 52.1 percent in May 2023 to 58.1 percent in May 2026.
Goal 4: Skills, Habits, & Mindsets for Life Success
Increase the percentage of students who demonstrate the skills, habits, and mindsets most aligned to life success: perseverance, self-regulation, self-efficacy, and social awareness from X in 2023 to Y in 2029 as measured by an evidence-based and aligned tool.
2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2024/25 | 2025/26 | 2026/27 | 2027/28 |
- Interim Goal 4.1: The percentage of fifth-grade students who demonstrate the skills, habits, and mindsets most aligned to life success: perseverance, self-regulation, self-efficacy, and social awareness will increase from X in 2023 to Y in 2026.
- Interim Goal 4.2: The percentage of eighth-grade students who demonstrate the skills, mindsets, and habits most aligned to life success: perseverance, self-regulation, self-efficacy, and social awareness will increase from X in 2023 to Y in 2026.
- Interim Goal 4.3: The percentage of tenth-grade students who demonstrate the skills, habits, and mindsets most aligned to life success: perseverance, self-regulation, self-efficacy, and social awareness will increase from X in 2023 to Y in 2026.
Progress on this goal is tracked through use of a twice-yearly survey given to students in third- through twelfth-grade. This survey measures how students feel at school and how they deal with challenges. Learn more about the Skills, Habits, and Mindsets Student Survey.
APS Guardrails
Guardrail 1: Wraparound Support Systems
The superintendent will not allow the district to operate with inequitable distribution of school and/or community-based wraparound and support systems.
- Interim Guardrail 1.1: The number of school and/or community-based wraparound support at all schools will maintain or increase from 373.59 funded nurses and counselors in May 2023 to Y in May 2026.
- Interim Guardrail 1.2: The percentage of students who have access to social and emotional programming will increase from X in May 2023 to 100% in May 2026.
- Interim Guardrail 1.3: The average daily attendance rate of Yazzie-Martinez decision plus African American students who have been identified as chronically absent by September 30 each school year will increase by 5 percentage points by the end of each school year.
Guardrail 2: Equitable Allocation of Resources
The superintendent will not allow resources to be allocated inequitably.
- Interim Guardrail 2.1: The teacher sub-coverage rate of tiered priority schools will increase from X in July 2023 to Y in July 2026.
- Interim Guardrail 2.2: The percentage of operational school-based resources will be allocated using a fair-student funding formula from 0 percent in 2023 to X percent in May 2026.
- Interim Guardrail 2.3: The percentage of unspent restricted and operational funds will decrease from X in May 2023 to Y in May 2026.
Guardrail 3: High-Quality Curriculum and Instruction
The superintendent will not allow curriculum and instruction that is not district and standards-aligned, challenging, culturally and linguistically responsive, and differentiated to meet the academic needs of all students.
- Interim Guardrail 3.1: The percentage of classrooms using grade-level, high-quality instructional materials will increase from 30 percent in May 2023 to 70 percent in May 2026.
- Interim Guardrail 3.2: The percentage of observed classrooms using grade-level standard student work will increase from 38 percent in August 2023 to 70 percent in May 2026.
- Interim Guardrail 3.3: The percentage of classroom teachers rated as "innovating" in their use of differentiation techniques will increase from 40 percent in May 2023 to 70 in May 2026.
Guardrail 4: Family & Community Engagement
The superintendent will not exclude parent/legal guardian, student, and community voice and engagement in school and district operations.
- Interim Guardrail 4.1: The number of times district leadership meets with an advisory group to provide information and get feedback on the implementation of the Strategic Plan will increase from twice in SY23 to four times in SY26.
- Interim Guardrail 4.2: The percentage of parents who report that school staff consider their opinion when making decisions about their child will increase from 77% in May 2023 to 85% in May of 2026.
- Interim Guardrail 4.3: The percentage of families participating in the Quality Education and Family Engagement Survey will increase from 20% in 2023 to 60% in 2026.
Guardrail 5: Staff Voice & Support
The superintendent will not implement programs or procedures in schools without staff voice, high-quality professional development, and essential material and human resources.
- Interim Guardrail 5.1: The percentage of staff who report receiving adequate professional development for new instructional programs will increase from 0% in May 2023 to 70% in May 2026.
- Interim Guardrail 5.2: The percentage of staff who report receiving adequate district communication regarding the Strategic Plan will increase from 0% in May 2023 to 70% in May 2026.
- Interim Guardrail 5.3: The percentage of school Instructional Council staff who report that their opinion was considered regarding site-based decisions will increase from 0% in May 2023 to 70% in May 2026.
Monitoring Calendar
Progress Monitoring Calendar July 2023 - July 2028 (PDF)
Monitoring Calendar for 2023-2024
Month | Goals | Guardrails | Measures | Community Engagement & Outreach |
July 2023 |
Guardrail 1: Wraparound Support Systems (Practice Monitoring) | Interim Guardrails 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (Attendance and Supports) | |
August |
-- |
Guardrail 3: High-Quality Curriculum and Instruction |
Interim Guardrails 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 (Grade-Level, High-Quality Instructional Materials) |
Emerging Stronger Summit on Goals, Guardrails, and the Strategic Plan |
September | Goal 3: Post-Secondary Readiness | -- |
Interim Goals 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 (High School Course Outcomes and High School Dropout Rates) | |
October | Goal 1: Early Literacy |
Interim Goals 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (Grade 3 ELA NM-MSSA) (Grades K-2 ELA Istation -- Fall) | 2-year Community and Engagement & Outreach is approved by the board |
November | Goal 2: Math Proficiency | -- |
Interim Goals 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (Grade 8 Math NM-MSSA) (6-8 Math i-Ready -- Fall) | Two regional town halls on goals, guardrails, and superintendent characteristics |
December | -- | -- | -- | Legislative Open House |
January 2024 | Guardrail 4: Voice & Engagement Interim | Interim Guardrails: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 (Family & Community Engagement) | Two regional town halls with superintendent candidates | |
February |
Goal 4: Skills, Habits, & Mindsets for Life Success |
-- |
Interim Goals 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 (Fall Survey Results) |
Regional meetings about the budget |
March | Goal 2: Math Proficiency | -- |
Interim Goals 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (6-8 Math i-Ready -- Winter) | Board member outreach |
April | Goal 3: Post-Secondary Readiness | Guardrail 2: Equity | Interim Goals 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 (High School Course Outcomes and High School Dropout Rates); Interim Guardrails 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (Budget & Resources) | Board member outreach |
May | Goal 4: Skills, Habits, & Mindsets for Life Success |
Interim Goals 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 (Spring Survey Results) | Community engagement event focused on one goal (summer) |
June | Goal 1: Early Literacy | -- |
Interim Goals 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (Grades K-2 ELA Istation -- Spring) |
- Student Outcomes Focused Governance Manual
- Goals and Guardrails One Pager
- APS Strategic Analysis & Program Research (SAPR) Dashboard