School Board Governance and Operations/Professional Development
Council of the Great City Schools
All board members are members of the Council of the Great City Schools, which promotes urban education through legislation, research, instruction, management, technology, and other special projects.
The board president or designee and the superintendent serve on the council’s Board of Directors, composed of superintendents and board members from the country’s largest urban school districts. The board president or designee also attends biweekly Zoom meetings hosted by the organization’s executive director.
All board members are invited to participate in council training, which includes Student Outcomes Focused Governance. The council holds an annual conference in October. The fee to attend council conferences will be paid with board member professional development funds.
The organization helps build urban education capacity with programs to boost academic performance, narrow achievement gaps, improve professional development, enhance learning opportunities, and strengthen leadership, governance, and management. Courtney Jackson serves on the council’s Board of Directors.
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials
Board members have the option of joining NALEO, an organization that works to bring together Latinos who are in public education offices and other leadership positions to improve educational outcomes for Latino students. The fee to join NALEO and to attend its workshops will be paid with board member professional development funds. Board members may receive scholarships to attend national workshops on educational issues.
New Mexico School Boards Association
All board members are members of the New Mexico School Boards Association (NMSBA), which provides training and support for local boards of education in New Mexico. New Mexico law requires that school board members attend five hours of training per year (September 1 to August 31). Credits can be earned by attending New Mexico School Board Association events. Ronalda Tome-Warito is the Large District Representative for APS on the NMSBA Board of Directors.