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We Have to Work Together

Posted August 2, 2024, 6:10 AM. Updated August 9, 2024, 12:15 PM.

In her first weekly message as Superintendent, Dr. Gabriella Blakey asks staff to work with her to give students the foundation they need to succeed.

Welcome back!

I’ve been an educator for more than 20 years, but starting a new school year as superintendent is very different. The Board has tasked me with improving outcomes for all of our students, a responsibility I take seriously. But I’ve been in this profession long enough to know I can’t accomplish this on my own. To achieve meaningful gains for our students—including our Native American and Black students and those who are economically disadvantaged, English Learners, or have disabilities—we have to work together.

As we prepare to launch a new school year, I ask for your help in this important work. The fact is that the first-grader who comes to us next Wednesday will never have another first day of first grade. We have to get this right for her and for every other Albuquerque Public Schools student. They are counting on us to give them the foundation they need to succeed in the real world.

We have a lot of work ahead of us.

We must continue to chip away at our high absentee rates. Our kids can’t learn if they’re not in school. We have to engage our students by figuring out what excites them and using that to reel them in and get them excited about learning. It’s why we are now offering music and art at every elementary school in the district and why I’d like to expand Genius Hour–a block of time each day that allows students to explore their interests–to every APS elementary school. 

We have to teach our students at grade level with high quality instructional materials and grade-level standards. We have to continue to provide the supports our kids need to set them up for success in the classroom–everything from meals and clothing to counseling and school safety. Our community schools do a great job of this, and we need to leverage those efforts.

We will invest in our principals to ensure they have the training and support they need to be effective leaders. We’ll also keep pushing for LETRS training for our teachers because it has shown such promising results elsewhere.

For those of us not working directly with students, our job is to remove obstacles for those who are and to help them succeed.

I firmly believe that these are the levers that are going to propel our kids forward

So much of this work happens at the school level, and I’m grateful to our teachers, educational assistants, counselors, nurses, and everyone else who works with our students directly. I’m also thankful to our principals, who set the tone at their schools.

Good leadership is crucial at the school level, but it’s also vital at the district level, which is why I launched an administrative reorganization over the summer. The reorganization will better position us to meet our goals: improving reading and math proficiency rates, preparing students for life after graduation, and equipping them with the life skills they need to be successful.

Under this reorganization:

Dr. Antonio Gonzales is the new deputy superintendent of leadership and learning. He now oversees the chief academic officer, the chief of schools, federal and state programs, accountability and reporting, and fine arts. 

Gabriel Jacquez, who comes to us from Las Cruces, has my old job. He is the new deputy superintendent of operations. He oversees information technology, Food and Nutrition, Transportation, Nursing, capital master plan, and capital construction. 

Johanna King is now chief of staff. She oversees communications and engagement, the APS Education Foundation, Board Services, policy analysis and legislative affairs, charter schools, and graphics.

I know that’s a lot to take in. These are significant changes, and I want you to be aware of them.

Again, welcome back, and thank you for your dedication to our students! Let’s work together to give them the foundation they need to succeed in life.